AtikTeam Administrator’s Guide

Each AtikTeam user group must designate at least one person, called “Administrator”, responsible for making the adjustments sensitive on the service. This person then has access to a tab called Admin, that opens an interface with which he is able to create and delete projects and users, change settings of the application and consult the usage statistics.


The name of the application and the welcome text are adjustable in the “Configuration” section. You can also choose a graphic theme and logo to personalize the visual appearance of the application.

User Administration

By clicking on the link Users, the administrator can invite new users and change current users profiles.

Inviting a new user

The invitation of a new collaborator is made using his E-mail adress. AtikTeam takes care of creating the invitation and sending it by email.

At the time of the invitation, the admin can assign responsibility to then new collaborator.

  • Administration: Will this user, too, be a administrator of your AtikTeam application? Be carefull, this involves important responsibilities.
  • Roles in projects: you can prepare assigned roles in the projects of your application.
  • Restrictions of access: you can “zone” the accesses to your application, based on IP addresses, to guarantee a higher level of security.

Finally, you can write the invitation message that your collaborator will see.

Disabling a user

It is possible to disable the account of a user who will not connect anymore on the platform, by clicking on the link disable from the list of users. He will not be allowed to log in until his account is resumed.

Important: the data and the history of the actions on the platform being linked to user accounts, it is not possible to delete such an account completely.

Project Administration

By clicking on the link Projects, you access the pages for creation and setting of the project spaces of your application. On this page, you can close or delete existing projects. You can also, using the link at the top right, create new projects.

Create a new project

The creation page of a new project asks you to fill in some data :

  • the name of the project is its usual identifier in your organization
  • the description of the project
  • visibility: public projects can be seen by your employees who are not explicitly members. On the other hand, editing is not allowed for these people. Consult the documentation of project manager to learn more.
  • when creating, you can specify the list and roles of members. Warning: you must choose at least one manager Note that the latter may himself adjust the list of members of his project thereafter. Consult the documentation of project manager to learn more.

Duplicate a project

Project duplication is a feature designed to allow you to create new spaces projects based on existing project models. Any project can serve as a template, which can be duplicated to create a new space.

When duplicating, all resources and documents are preserved. The history and comments, on the other hand, are erased to make room for the new project life.

Close an existing project

Closing a project is to make it inactive and inaccessible. The data remain, and it is possible at any time to re-open a closed project to resume normal operation.

Delete an existing project

Deleting a project causes permanent suppression of all data from this project held by the AtikTeam servers. This includes everything in this project, in every modules. Make sure you really want to delete because triggering the button.

Matrix of roles

By clicking on the Rôles link, you can access a table listing the permissions of each role. This permissions matrix can be changed on request with our services. Contact Us to know more.

Capacity usage information

Open this page to get statistics about your usage.