AtikTeam New User Guide

You are new to AtikTeam, and you want to be able to to start quickly? This documentation is meant to show you to key concepts and allow you to be operational on your tool in less than 1 hour.

What is AtikTeam?

AtikTeam is an online software for project management and collaboration. It allows teams to communicate, share documents, define and follow planning of projects and share many information. With this tool, you can share information quickly with other members of your organization in the form of pages, files, or discussions.

What do I need to use AtikTeam?

AtikTeam is an online application, to use it you need an up-to-date internet browser, such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox etc. Go directly to the AtikTeam page of your company, or on your management console at, and start browsing the menus. You can then directly view the content and create some new content yourself.

Where to find the content

Your application has several “project spaces”. The content is inside these spaces, which you can access by clicking on the project name.