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Manage task lists with the Roadmap module

The Roadmap module is an optional module. Contact Us to
activate it on your application.

The Roadmap module allows you to detail all the steps, or “milestones”, which define the phases of your projects. Planning of realization is done by then assigning the actions to the milestones of the project. Visualization of the milestones and their respective actions is called the road map.

You must first activate the Roadmap module from the tab Configuration of the project.


In AtikTeam, a milestone is defined by its name, description and Expected deadline. Once the milestones created, they are usable to organize the work and stake out the actions.

Create a new milestone, or modify the existing milestones

The project planning, therefore the creation of the stages, requires a level of responsibility in the project concerned, for example the role of Project Manager

You can create or modify milestones from the Roadmap tab.

From the menu presented, you can modify or delete the stages of the project, as well as adding new ones using a form by clicking on the link at the bottom New milestone.

Planning the realization

When you create a new action, you need to fill in a some information to specify it. One of these information is “the target milestone”. You can choose at this time here, a milestone among those proposed in the drop-down list.

The action is then automatically added to the action list scheduled for the selected milestone.

Understand the road map

When you go to the ** _ Roadmap _ ** project tab, you see the list of next milestones. From this page you can see the list of completed and remaining actions for each milestone. In the right column, you can choose the shape of the list of actions to optimize readability.

Detail of a milestone

By clicking, from the Roadmap module, on the name of a milestone, you access a detailed view of this milestone. A selector on the right provides statistics on the progress of work according to different criteria.

The actions in the Roadmap module

Actions are indivisible, unitary fragments of point of view of project planning. They are also called ” missions “,” tasks “or” tickets “. They have many properties, and are the occasion for a discussion of the issues and the production.

Creating and editing actions

Create a new action

To create a new action from the AtikTeam web interface, you must first go to a project. This action will then part of this project. Then click on the project tab ** _ Actions _ **, then the New action button to access the creative form, which you must complete as follows.

  • the subject is a succinct description of the object of the action;
  • the description is the complete problematic of the action;
  • a manager can be assigned to the action. The latter is then in charge of checking the progress and respect of deadlines. To choose a manager, select his name in the responsible field;
  • the statut indicates to which stage of realization the action is find. For a newly created action, it usually takes choose In cours;
  • the target stage defines for which stage of the project this action is planned, this information is then used in the worksheet road;
  • you can choose a priority;
  • if necessary, you can make a detailed planning of the realization using the fields Start, Date, Estimated time and % Realized. These optional settings can generally be ignored;
  • As with any other resource, you can select a few [tags] for this action;
  • Finally, if you want to add observers, simply tick their names in the following list, they will be as well automatically informed of the activity of this action.

Written exchanges between collaborators about an action

Actions are places for discussion around problems encountered during the realization, suggestions or even progress reports. Each member of the project can intervene on a action by clicking from the action page on the commenter link or edit at the top right. He then sees a text box for type the content of his intervention. He can also adjust some settings, for example the progress.

Changing the properties of an action

The properties of an action can be updated by clicking the link commenter or modifier at the top right of the page of the action.

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You can be automatically notified of changes in an action by clicking on the ‘Next’ link at the top right. In this case, you will receive directly on your mailbox the events of this action. To unsubscribe, click again on this link.

Deleting an action is usually not desirable. When the work defined in the action has been realized, you can simply change his status to close the action.

See the actions

See actions in the roadmap

By clicking on the heading “Roadmap”, you access the roadmap of your project. For each milestone, the actions that must be performed appear, scratched if they are already completed. This view gives a good overview of the remaining actions for pass the milestone in the expected time.

List the actions according to your criteria

By clicking on the “Filter” section, you will access a list of project actions. Because it is normal for projects to contain a very large number of actions, this page is designed to help you to find the ones you are looking for.

First, you can adapt the sorting of the array using the links in the headers. You can also adjust the length of the list of each page using the links at the bottom of the table _ “By page: 25, 50, 100”_.

Above the table is a filter construction system to reduce the display precisely to the actions you want see. When a filter is active, it is normal not to see to appear the complete list. To establish the rules of this filter, you must proceed in stages:

  1. Choose a status from the list provided;
  2. If you want to refine, select a restriction additional in the list Add filter;
  3. set the additional restriction;
  4. Repeat as long as you want to specify your filter.

Once your filter is specified, apply it by clicking on the link Apply. You can specify it, then apply it again.

To return to a total view, remove it by clicking Wipe off.

If this filter matches a regular need, you can save to find it on your next connections. For this, click on the link ** _ Save _ , and enter, in the form that appears, the information of this filter. In this page, you can choose to share it with other members or see it appear in all projects. From the project tab _ Actions _ **, the available filters are displayed in the column on the right, under the name of _ _ Custom reports_.

Finally, you can remove a filter by clicking on it in the right column, then clicking the link ** _ Delete _ ** en top right.